SFI Electronics Technology Inc. is established in Jan. 2000. We are the professional manufacturer of protective components in circuit, “Transient Voltage Suppressor” (also called Varistors), EMI Filters (Noise interference) and EMI/ESD Filter (Noise interference and electrostatic discharge) with dual functions. SFI continue to expand the market and sale globally with own brand “SFI”.

SFI Zopezedwa Zamgululi


Timayamikira kuyanjana kwanu ndi malonda ndi ntchito za Chipsmall. Malingaliro anu ndi ofunika kwa ife! Chonde tengani kanthawi kuti mudzaze fomu ili pansipa. Ndemanga zanu zofunika zimatsimikizira kuti nthawi zonse timapereka chithandizo chapadera chomwe chikuyenera. Zikomo chifukwa chokhala gawo laulendo wathu wopita kuchita bwino.